black and white bed linen

Dobrodošli na Janami Wood

Započnite svoju priču s pravim drvetom, istražite našu ponudu ekoloških proizvoda.

O nama - Janami Wood

Janami Wood je posvećen održivosti i kvalitetu. Naša misija je pružiti vam prirodne drvene proizvode koji su estetski privlačni i ekološki odgovorni.

A bamboo lid with an illustration of a panda holding a small plant, a wooden container with EcoPanda labeling, and a mesh bag with a rustic white wooden heart attached are placed on a textured wooden surface.
A bamboo lid with an illustration of a panda holding a small plant, a wooden container with EcoPanda labeling, and a mesh bag with a rustic white wooden heart attached are placed on a textured wooden surface.
Naša misija
Ekološke prakse

Verujemo u snagu prirodnih materijala. Naši proizvodi su izrađeni s ljubavlju i pažnjom, uz poštovanje prema prirodi i njenim resursima.

Recenzije kupaca

Proizvodi su izvanredni, a usluga odlična. Preporučujem svima!

Janami Wood je savršeno mesto za kvalitetne drvene proizvode. Oduševljen sam njihovom posvećenošću održivosti i kvalitetu.

Marko Jovanović
A pair of wooden sunglasses is resting on a pile of thick, fibrous ropes with a mix of green and beige tones. The sunglasses have dark lenses and the wood grain is clearly visible on the frames.
A pair of wooden sunglasses is resting on a pile of thick, fibrous ropes with a mix of green and beige tones. The sunglasses have dark lenses and the wood grain is clearly visible on the frames.


Kvalitet drvenih češljeva je neverovatan! Osećam se dobro koristeći proizvode koji su ekološki prihvatljivi i održivi. Definitivno ću ponovo kupiti.

Several neatly stacked wooden beams with visible growth rings are seen in the foreground, showcasing their natural texture and grain. The background is an outdoor space with a paved area and some blurred elements, likely trees or fencing.
Several neatly stacked wooden beams with visible growth rings are seen in the foreground, showcasing their natural texture and grain. The background is an outdoor space with a paved area and some blurred elements, likely trees or fencing.
Ana Petrović

Novi Sad
